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  • Set (Books+CD's)
  • CD´s
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  • Books
[ 2235 ] Was Hänschen nicht hört ... (5th edition German)
Basic work by Fred Warnke: "What Hanschen does not learn, ...". In his parenting guide, Fred Warnke describes the essential background and possibilities of the Warnke procedure, the associated test procedure and gives concrete advice on lateral training, the core of the Warnke procedure he developed.
25.27 € 25.27 EUR
[ L1144 ] Wackelpeter und Trotzkopf (German)
Hyperactive and defiant children are often a great strain on the family's daily routine. But parents are not helplessly at the mercy of their problem children: This book shows how they can help themselves (and their children)!

The book can be used as part of the child's treatment with a psychotherapist or doctor to inform the parents. It is also suitable as a self-help program for parents who want to deal with their child's problems independently.
30.25 € 30.25 EUR
[ L1140 ] Visualisieren, präsentieren, moderieren - J. W. Seifert (Visualize, present, moderate) German
Visualization, presentation and moderation are working techniques that play an increasingly important role in everyday work. This was true in 1989, when this book was first published, and it is true today. Since the first edition, Josef W. Seifert has revised the book several times and has now also renewed the graphics and illustrations for the 30th edition, so that it is once again up to date both in terms of content and design.
The reader learns how to visualize facts skilfully, prepare presentations correctly and conduct them confidently, make meetings more effective, moderate teams and groups in a result-oriented manner, and design workshops successfully.
19.32 € 19.32 EUR
[ 2273 ] Verstehen/Beobachten und gezieltes Fördern von LRS-Schülern (German Book)
If a child fails in the field of written language, it is essential to know the causes in order to be able to help him or her as specifically as possible. Methods of close observation are presented here in detail and in a practical manner, and with the help of this book, a specific support plan can be developed for both school-based LRS groups and for individual support outside of school. ...
26.13 € 26.13 EUR
[ 2307 ] Thompson, Michael + Lynda - The Neurofeedback Book
An introduction to neurofeedback and its implementation in applied psychology - THE key work in the field of neurofeedback application (in English). Written by Dr. Michael and Lynda Thompson from Canada, who have decades of expertise in the treatment of people with ADD/ADHD and other special conditions through their local ADD center... and share it in this book.
132.43 € 132.43 EUR
[ L1121 ] Third Edition - Biofeedback - Schwartz, Mark S. / Andrasik, Frank
The comprehensive text in this field provides comprehensive scientific insights into biofeedback research, applications, clinical procedures and biomedical instruments. With contributions from leading experts, the volume offers a unique combination of practical know-how and scientific expertise. A wealth of information is presented in an accessible, optimized style that includes helpful glossaries. Detailed protocols are presented to support patients who promote lower physiological excitement and treat a range of specific clinical problems: Headaches, TMJ disorders, Raynaud's disease, essential hypertension, neuromuscular problems, elimination disorders and more.
120.28 € 120.28 EUR
[ L1145 ] Therapieprogramm für Kinder mit hyperkin.... THOP (German)
They cannot sit still, are unfocused, dreamy and often unpopular with other children. Children with ADHD represent the largest group of children undergoing psychotherapeutic treatment. THOP has proven itself here. Why is THOP so successful? - THOP leads to a differentiated diagnosis, which identifies problem areas, but also reveals the strengths of the child and the family.
84.93 € 84.93 EUR
[ 2315-SET ] The most beautiful reading lion stories SET - book+6CDs
The stories in this book with 6 matching audio CDs are as exciting and colorful as the world of reading lions. It is about clever ponies and tricky robbers, about spooky ghosts and monstrous monsters. But also about annoying siblings and eager sportsmen. There is a suitable story for everyone.
131.21 € 131.21 EUR
[ 2132 ] The Warnke Method - From Practitioners for Practitioners (Volume 2): Effective language promotion + treatment of speech disorders
The Warnke Method - by practitioners for practitioners
Guide "Effective language support and treatment of speech disorders".

Volume II:
Effective language support and treatment of language disorders

As a follow-up to the first volume "The Warnke Method - Practical Integration into Daily Work with Children, Adolescents and Adults", this volume focuses on "The Warnke Method in Speech and Language Therapy".

For years, speech therapists have been incorporating elements of the Warnke Method into their practice(s) - but what does this incorporation look like in concrete terms?

Six experienced participants of the interdisciplinary cooperation partner network of MediTECH Electronic GmbH will talk about their daily work. In addition to four speech therapists, a physician and an occupational therapist also have their say and report on their interdisciplinary procedures and experiences.
Using real case studies, they demonstrate their approach to training typical disorder patterns from speech therapy and speech therapy. The work with mainly children from the age of four, school children up to adults is considered.

ISBN: 978-3-9326-59-55-3
18.23 € 18.23 EUR
[ 2259-DE ] Story generator (german)
Clever blurb solution for 256 billion variants of short stories for reading training and promoting imagination - can be used with or without lateral training.
48.59 € 48.59 EUR
[ L1103 ] Spitzer, Manfred - Lernen (German)
Learning takes place in the head. This is why the results of brain research are so important for learning. Prof. Manfred Spitzer has - inspired by his experiences in the Education Council and as an expert on the PISA study in the Federal Council - consciously written this book for a broad readership: for parents, teachers, pupils, education politicians and anyone who wants to understand his learning machine in his head and use it better.
24.30 € 24.3 EUR
[ 2295 ] Rechenschwächen erkennen und behandeln, Ingeborg Milz (Book - German)
Obviously, this form of learning disorder is on the rise and so is the helplessness to face it. Under neuro-pedagogical understanding, it is a matter of assessing and "tackling" the child's learning problems (here in connection with arithmetic lessons) from different angles.

ISBN 978-3-86145-272-0
30.99 € 30.990000000000002 EUR
[ L1139 ] Pädagogisches Grundwissen, Herbert Gudjons
Educational science has expanded extraordinarily in recent decades. An overview of subject areas and findings is therefore particularly necessary for the beginning of studies and before examinations. In 12 chapters this proven textbook imparts current basic knowledge in: Structure of educational science, directions, research methods, history of pedagogy, childhood and adolescence, socialisation, education and training, learning, didactics, education, extracurricular fields of work, current challenges. Written in easy-to-understand language, Pädagogisches Grundwissen also contains numerous graphics. Selected reading and work suggestions encourage further study.
23.70 € 23.7 EUR
[ 2270 ] Practical handbook on the Warnke process: Hören - Sehen - Bewegen: Wirksame Hilfe bei Automatisierungs-Problemen
A dynamic training program thrives on the fact that it is constantly changing and responding to new insights.
This book provides information about the current status of the Warnke method and its integration and support possibilities. The Warnke method: Hearing - seeing - moving: A dynamic training program lives from the fact that it is constantly changing and responding to new findings. Thus, the Warnke method has also developed further in some central areas. On this basis, the therapist's guide "We do not only hear with our ears" has been completely revised. Thus the new "Practice Manual for the Warnke®-Procedure" was created. In it, Fred Warnke conveys his latest state of knowledge in this field, the results of extensive data collection, results from several studies as well as insights from discussions with many users of the procedure. From child-oriented and realistic testing of the most important sub-functions of central hearing to low-level training and lateral training for all age groups (from pre-school children to adults), there is also a wealth of experience from the many experienced users of this method.
24.18 € 24.18 EUR
[ 2043 ] Positiv lernen (Jansen - Streit)
Learning disabilities, dyslexia and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder are an enormous burden for the children concerned and all those who work with them. However, Fritz Jansen and Uta Streit show what can be done about it: In their "IntraActPlus" concept, which they have been using successfully for years, they make use of the findings of learning psychology at school, during homework and in their leisure time.
40.03 € 40.03 EUR
[ 2277 ] Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie (German)
The textbook offers a structured introduction to phoniatrics and pedaudiology. In basic chapters, the normal function of the vocal and speech apparatus is explained; based on this, the corresponding disorders are presented. In addition to the medical aspects, the psychological and linguistic aspects of voice and speech are considered in detail.
48.54 € 48.54 EUR
[ 2057 ] Neuromotorische Regulationsstörungen im Kindesalter [Dr. Wolfgang Gündel] (german)
The authors approach the complex matter of neuro- and sensomotoric maturation in childhood, especially from a special education perspective. In addition to theoretical principles, they present an observation method for the recognition of neuromotor dysfunctions. The authors attach particular importance to the fact that both motoscopic and reaction-inducing procedures are used in the assessment of neuromotor developmental disorders.
In addition, they present a practical concept for the promotion of neuro- and sensorimotor skills, which the authors have been successfully applying for more than 10 years in their special school and in the working group "Help for the Behaviorally Sensitive Child".
The reader is provided with concrete, practice-relevant diagnostic and support possibilities, which can also be deepened in specialist seminars. The current models and approaches in this field are integrated and made accessible to the reader.
41.93 € 41.93 EUR
[ 2074-DE-V6 ] Manual for the extended test procedure according to Warnke (HaPA) - current version (Winfried Scholtz/Fred Warnke/Ralph Warnke)
The comprehensive companion book for all who use the Warnke method in their practice. The manual, delivered in a large A4 folder, describes the test steps of the Warnke test procedure in detail on more than 500 pages. In addition, about 45 different test steps as well as their preparation and follow-up actions are explained, evaluations are described and training recommendations are given. The CDROM included in the scope of delivery contains a comprehensive training center with various tests and pre-recorded instructions - a valuable aid for the test execution.

The manual is supplied as a "loose-leaf collection" and is typically updated every 12-24 months.
241.77 € 241.77 EUR
[ 2294 ] M.O.R.E.
M.O.R.E. means: Motor, Oral, Respiration, Eyes (Motor, Mouth, Breathing and Eyes), and is the acronym of a model designed to help therapists assess the effect of treatments that improve oral, respiratory, sensory and postural functions.
The book was written by a group of occupational therapists who are among the most qualified and experienced in the United States. They examine the apparently independent systems of motor, mouth, respiration and eyes and show that there is an exchange and interdependence between these systems. They expand this thesis by introducing the concept of SSA (suck-swallow-breath synchronism) as a synergy.
According to Patricia Wilbarger (FAOTA), this concept represents a breakthrough in the development of clinical theories of behavioral processes at the neurophysiological level.
This book allows us to see certain sensory and motor systems from a completely different perspective. This makes it possible to understand many unusual behaviors with which the individual attempts to organize or "heal" himself. In many cases, the duration of treatment can be shortened, made more efficient and effective.
interested parties: Occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech therapists, speech therapists, doctors, psychologists and members of other health care professions.
27.34 € 27.34 EUR
[ 2291 ] Lese-Rechtschreib-Schwierigkeiten, Nicole Ramacher-Faasen (Book, German)
This book explains the phenomenon of dyslexia and spelling difficulties and describes in a clear, practical way the diagnosis and criteria for promotion. It takes into account the difficult learning situation of affected children and provides help in coping with it. The author knows about the fears and self-esteem problems of affected children, knows the unwillingness and demotivation. She has experienced with what eagerness these children also approach reading and writing, find joy in it and successfully reduce their difficulties if they are helped in a qualified way.
26.73 € 26.73 EUR