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  • Set (Books+CD's)
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  • Books
[ L1163 ] Kinder optimal fördern - mit Musik
Professor Hans Günther Bastian, head of the research project, summarises in this paperback the important results of the 700-page scientific study on music (education) and its effects and offers convincing arguments for the demand for a central place for music education in general education.
9.71 € 9.71 EUR
[ 8020-DE ] Hifino Textbook, German
Textbook "My friend, the Hifino": 6 exciting and message-laden stories of the friendly and helpful Hifino - for optimal use in lateral hearing training according to Warnke.
11.91 € 11.91 EUR
[ L1135 ] Lauter starke Jungen, Rogge/Mähler (German)
The standard work on the subject of raising boys!
How do you educate a boy today to become a self-confident and strong personality? This book describes the situation, examines the background and gives advice for a modern boy education at the beginning of the 21st century. The old patterns, according to which boys have to be strong, body-oriented, space-consuming, dominant, no longer apply - but what takes the place of these norms? For example, what kind of conflicts would a boy who shows feelings and "soft sides" get into, where the strongest or coolest still has the say? The book helps parents and educators to orientate themselves in the variety of conflicting role models and norms. It is both a description of the state of affairs and a guide.

ISBN 3-499-61539-8
12.03 € 12.030000000000001 EUR
[ 2248 ] Der Kleine Prinz (german)
Long a classic and millions can quote from it: The Little Prince lives together with his rose on the planet Asteroid B 612 and visits the earth. Here, in addition to the narrator, who made an emergency landing in the desert with his plane, he meets, among others, the fox, who explains to him how to become familiar: "You are responsible all your life for what you have made familiar to yourself".
A world-famous book full of wisdom and with many common quotations, such as "One sees well only with the heart" or "The essential is invisible".
In the original translation by Grete and Josef Leitgeb.

ISBN: 978-3-9720-0052-6
12.03 € 12.030000000000001 EUR
[ 2056 ] (Book) Flexi-Trainingsprogramm, W. Scholtz (German)
Flexi Program by Winfried Scholtz: Sensorimotor training program for home training for children to integrate persistent early childhood reflexes. Thanks to informative illustrations, the individual exercises can be learned quickly and convincingly and can be implemented as training at home. The following special conditions apply for quantity purchases: 10 booklets: 25%, 20 booklets: 30%, 50 booklets: 40%.

ISBN 978-932659-23-3
12.03 € 12.030000000000001 EUR
[ 2392-DE ] Gi-em-Aus-Textbook (German)
Synchronous reading - training with pseudo-texts
(booklet accompanying the CD)
12.52 € 12.52 EUR
[ 2325 ] Jabberwocky-Book
The importance of reading letter by letter has been proven by Dr. Daniel Zahnd at the University of Bern in studies lasting several years. This special reading material was developed from the findings there. It corresponds without restriction to German grammar and word structure; the meaningless texts "force" the reader to adopt a reading strategy that is oriented towards letters and not pictures of words - a high-quality training material for young and old.
13.25 € 13.25 EUR
[ 2317 ] Die schönsten Leselöwen-Geschichten - Buch
The stories in this book are as exciting and colorful as the world of reading lions. It is about clever ponies and tricky robbers, about spooky ghosts and monstrous monsters. But also about annoying siblings and eager sportsmen. There is a suitable story for everyone.
15.20 € 15.200000000000001 EUR
[ 2300 ] Das ADS-Schnellprogramm für zu Hause, C. Kannegießer-Leitner-Ravensburger Publisher (German)
helpful presentation of the connections about learning, development of physical and mental nature and their disorders.
If you read the book carefully, you will already find numerous tips and hints for possible motor exercises. Perception training and psychomotor exercises are the core of the therapeutic direction. The photos help with the implementation at home.also hints for the implementation in kindergartens and schools expand the active area. Suitable for therapists, parents and teachers.

ISBN: 3-332-01304-1
15.68 € 15.68 EUR
[ 2257 ] Achtundzwanzig Lachgeschichten - U. Wölfel (German)
Twenty-eight laughter stories - reading composition book.

ISBN 978-3-9326-59-53-9
15.68 € 15.68 EUR
[ 2320-DE ] Babsi, Tobi und Co. - Textbook (German)
Stories from life - What mice can do and what they do, one should not think possible. Playing basketball is still the most harmless!
In 21 stories written and illustrated in a child-friendly way, young and old listeners alike quickly make friends with the main characters Babsi, Tobi and Felix and other characters.
18.10 € 18.1 EUR
[ 2131 ] Das Warnke-Verfahren - von Praktikern für Praktiker, Volume 1 (German)
In addition to an extensive test battery for school, learning and concentration deficits, the Warnke method also offers a scientifically sound and powerful training instrument. In combination with motor skills, neurofeedback and pedagogy, practitioners are able to expand their activities, help clients with new methods and thus win new client groups.
18.23 € 18.23 EUR
[ 2132 ] The Warnke Method - From Practitioners for Practitioners (Volume 2): Effective language promotion + treatment of speech disorders
The Warnke Method - by practitioners for practitioners
Guide "Effective language support and treatment of speech disorders".

Volume II:
Effective language support and treatment of language disorders

As a follow-up to the first volume "The Warnke Method - Practical Integration into Daily Work with Children, Adolescents and Adults", this volume focuses on "The Warnke Method in Speech and Language Therapy".

For years, speech therapists have been incorporating elements of the Warnke Method into their practice(s) - but what does this incorporation look like in concrete terms?

Six experienced participants of the interdisciplinary cooperation partner network of MediTECH Electronic GmbH will talk about their daily work. In addition to four speech therapists, a physician and an occupational therapist also have their say and report on their interdisciplinary procedures and experiences.
Using real case studies, they demonstrate their approach to training typical disorder patterns from speech therapy and speech therapy. The work with mainly children from the age of four, school children up to adults is considered.

ISBN: 978-3-9326-59-55-3
18.23 € 18.23 EUR
[ L1140 ] Visualisieren, präsentieren, moderieren - J. W. Seifert (Visualize, present, moderate) German
Visualization, presentation and moderation are working techniques that play an increasingly important role in everyday work. This was true in 1989, when this book was first published, and it is true today. Since the first edition, Josef W. Seifert has revised the book several times and has now also renewed the graphics and illustrations for the 30th edition, so that it is once again up to date both in terms of content and design.
The reader learns how to visualize facts skilfully, prepare presentations correctly and conduct them confidently, make meetings more effective, moderate teams and groups in a result-oriented manner, and design workshops successfully.
19.32 € 19.32 EUR
[ L1126 ] Buchstabensuppe und Zahlensalat (German - Book)
When the back becomes the front and the top is the bottom in reading, writing and arithmetic, not only the affected children but also their parents, teachers and therapists are upside down. Few are aware that the cause of these learning problems may be rooted in a little-known phenomenon: left or alternate eye dominance. ...

ISBN: 3-935767-31-5
20.41 € 20.41 EUR
[ 2333 ] "Psychomotorische Ganzheitstherapie" Psychomotor holistic therapy (German)
Die Psychomotorische Ganzheitstherapie verbindet mehrere Therapiekonzepte in der Förderung behinderter Kinder zu einem individuellen, ganzheitlichen Therapieprogramm für jedes Kind. Die Therapie zerfällt somit nicht in Einzelelemente (Physiotherapie, Logopädie, Ergotherapie etc.), sondern ist interdisziplinär. Lücken oder Überschneidungen in der Therapie werden auf diese Weise vermieden.
21.75 € 21.75 EUR
[ 2332 ] ADS, LRS und Co. (German)
Kinder mit ADS/ADHS, Lese-Rechtschreib-Schwäche oder auch einer Rechenschwäche sind nicht weniger intelligent als andere - auch wenn sie Probleme haben den Schulstoff richtig aufzunehmen und zu verarbeiten. Gleiches gilt für Kinder mit einer Sprachentwicklungsverzögerung. Die Schwierigkeiten dieser Kinder gehen auf Wahrnehmungsstörungen zurück und zwar auf AVWS (Auditive Verarbeitungs- und Wahrnehmungsstörungen) und visuelle Verarbeitungsstörungen. Wie man diese Wahrnehmungsstörungen diagnostiziert und welche Tests Sie als Eltern selbst durchführen können, lesen Sie in diesem Buch. Sie erfahren auch, mit welchen Übungen man eine Verbesserung erreicht und wie sie für Ihr Kind ein individuelles Trainingsprogramm zusammenstellen können. In diese aktualisierte 3. Auflage wurde zusätzlich das Kapitel über das HEG-basierte Neurofeedback (Hämoenzephalographie) aufgenommen. Es werden hierin die theoretischen Grundlagen der HEG erläutert, wie die HEG (Hämoenzephalographie) in die Psychomotorische Ganzheitstherapie integriert wird und Fallbeispiele beschrieben.

ISBN: 978-3-940-190-92-5
21.75 € 21.75 EUR
[ L1127 ] Das Drama des modernen Kindes, Wolfgang Bergmann
Wolfgang Bergmann draws the psychogram of a generation that has been shaped to a great extent by the contemporary media world with its images. He takes a clear and unsparing look behind the scenes of today's childhood and identifies the causes of the increasing difficulties in which our children find themselves.

ISBN: 3-530-40154-4
21.87 € 21.87 EUR
[ 8013-GB ] Bo and friends - book (English version)
Bo and friends - six short stories about little Bo and his friends - textbook. Corresponding CD recorded in dummyhead stereophony for optimal auditory lateral training is available separately.
22.84 € 22.84 EUR
[ 8020-GB ] Hifino Textbook, English
Recorded in dummyhead stereophony for realistic 3D auditory perception, optimal for auditory lateral training. Six stories about little Hifino who is making the world a better place, using the powers of his magic set of headphones. TEXTBOOK

ISBN: 978-3-9326-59-61-4
22.84 € 22.84 EUR