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[ 2293 ] Bausteine der kindlichen Entwicklung - Ayres, A. Jean (German)
38.99 € 38.99 € 38.99 EUR
Children with various developmental disorders have been successfully treated for decades with Jean Ayres' therapeutic concept. In this book, the U.S. developmental psychologist has presented her approach in a coherent and understandable way. The 5th edition has been completely updated and made even more descriptive with case histories, examples, and photographs. The volume is aimed at members of all professional groups who care for healthy and learning disabled, behaviorally disturbed or brain-damaged children, but is also suitable for parents and family members.
[ 2131 ] Das Warnke-Verfahren - von Praktikern für Praktiker, Volume 1 (German)
19.51 € 19.51 € 19.51 EUR
In addition to an extensive test battery for school, learning and concentration deficits, the Warnke method also offers a scientifically sound and powerful training instrument. In combination with motor skills, neurofeedback and pedagogy, practitioners are able to expand their activities, help clients with new methods and thus win new client groups.
[ 2248 ] Der Kleine Prinz (german)
12.87 € 12.87 € 12.870000000000001 EUR
Long a classic and millions can quote from it: The Little Prince lives together with his rose on the planet Asteroid B 612 and visits the earth. Here, in addition to the narrator, who made an emergency landing in the desert with his plane, he meets, among others, the fox, who explains to him how to become familiar: "You are responsible all your life for what you have made familiar to yourself".
A world-famous book full of wisdom and with many common quotations, such as "One sees well only with the heart" or "The essential is invisible".
In the original translation by Grete and Josef Leitgeb.

ISBN: 978-3-9720-0052-6
[ 2317 ] Die schönsten Leselöwen-Geschichten - Buch
16.26 € 16.26 € 16.26 EUR
The stories in this book are as exciting and colorful as the world of reading lions. It is about clever ponies and tricky robbers, about spooky ghosts and monstrous monsters. But also about annoying siblings and eager sportsmen. There is a suitable story for everyone.
[ 2259-DE ] Story generator (german)
51.99 € 51.99 € 51.99 EUR
Clever blurb solution for 256 billion variants of short stories for reading training and promoting imagination - can be used with or without lateral training.
[ 2300 ] Das ADS-Schnellprogramm für zu Hause, C. Kannegießer-Leitner-Ravensburger Publisher (German)
16.78 € 16.78 € 16.78 EUR
helpful presentation of the connections about learning, development of physical and mental nature and their disorders.
If you read the book carefully, you will already find numerous tips and hints for possible motor exercises. Perception training and psychomotor exercises are the core of the therapeutic direction. The photos help with the implementation at home.also hints for the implementation in kindergartens and schools expand the active area. Suitable for therapists, parents and teachers.

ISBN: 3-332-01304-1
[ 2074-DE-EL6 ] Extension delivery 6 - Manual for the extended test procedure according to Warnke (HaPA)
37.45 € 37.45 € 37.45 EUR
The comprehensive companion book for all who use the Warnke method in their practice. The manual, delivered in a large A4 folder, describes the test steps of the Warnke test procedure in detail on more than 500 pages. In addition, about 45 different test steps as well as their preparation and follow-up actions are explained, evaluations are described and training recommendations are given. The CDROM included in the scope of delivery contains a comprehensive training center with various tests and pre-recorded instructions - a valuable aid for the test execution.

The manual is supplied as a "loose-leaf collection" and is typically updated every 12-24 months.
[ L1140 ] Visualisieren, präsentieren, moderieren - J. W. Seifert (Visualize, present, moderate) German
20.67 € 20.67 € 20.67 EUR
Visualization, presentation and moderation are working techniques that play an increasingly important role in everyday work. This was true in 1989, when this book was first published, and it is true today. Since the first edition, Josef W. Seifert has revised the book several times and has now also renewed the graphics and illustrations for the 30th edition, so that it is once again up to date both in terms of content and design.
The reader learns how to visualize facts skilfully, prepare presentations correctly and conduct them confidently, make meetings more effective, moderate teams and groups in a result-oriented manner, and design workshops successfully.
[ L1135 ] Lauter starke Jungen, Rogge/Mähler (German)
12.87 € 12.87 € 12.870000000000001 EUR
The standard work on the subject of raising boys!
How do you educate a boy today to become a self-confident and strong personality? This book describes the situation, examines the background and gives advice for a modern boy education at the beginning of the 21st century. The old patterns, according to which boys have to be strong, body-oriented, space-consuming, dominant, no longer apply - but what takes the place of these norms? For example, what kind of conflicts would a boy who shows feelings and "soft sides" get into, where the strongest or coolest still has the say? The book helps parents and educators to orientate themselves in the variety of conflicting role models and norms. It is both a description of the state of affairs and a guide.

ISBN 3-499-61539-8
[ 2298 ] Book "Orthographieerwerb" by Thomé (German)
59.16 € 59.16 € 59.160000000000004 EUR
Are explicit spelling rules the cognitive basis of our writing? Probably not. Rather, we must assume that mental structures are built up which form the basis of spelling competence. How these structures can look like and how they develop is the central question of the book. Moreover, the extensive error-analytical investigation has also made it possible - for the first time in German-language research - to demonstrate different types of learners in terms of cognitive representation and access to orthographic knowledge: one generalizing and one lexical type of speller. Furthermore, a new qualitative analysis tool for spelling errors in the acquisition process is presented.
[ 2266 ] Book "Störungen der Sprachentwicklung" (German)
38.94 € 38.94 € 38.94 EUR
The book offers an overview of the description, explanation, diagnosis, therapy and prevention of speech development disorders.
[ 2047 ] Cognitive strategies and reading performance (German)
33.16 € 33.16 € 33.160000000000004 EUR
The common standardized procedures for the examination of reading difficulties (dyslexia, dyslexia) can contribute to a large extent to the differentiation of problematic reading. However, most of the approaches, which focus mainly on partial performance deficits, cannot be integrated into an overall picture of the affected reading process and ultimately only ever examine partial aspects of the problematic reading process. Or, at the other extreme, conventional reading texts adapted to the age group are used for the qualification of reading performance. Following the attention- and strategy-oriented approach to researching reading difficulties, this thesis examines the diagnostic and therapeutic relevance of the use of artificial, speech-anximated texts as stimulus material in dyslexic children.
[ 2291 ] Lese-Rechtschreib-Schwierigkeiten, Nicole Ramacher-Faasen (Book, German)
28.60 € 28.60 € 28.6 EUR
This book explains the phenomenon of dyslexia and spelling difficulties and describes in a clear, practical way the diagnosis and criteria for promotion. It takes into account the difficult learning situation of affected children and provides help in coping with it. The author knows about the fears and self-esteem problems of affected children, knows the unwillingness and demotivation. She has experienced with what eagerness these children also approach reading and writing, find joy in it and successfully reduce their difficulties if they are helped in a qualified way.
[ 2295 ] Rechenschwächen erkennen und behandeln, Ingeborg Milz (Book - German)
33.16 € 33.16 € 33.160000000000004 EUR
Obviously, this form of learning disorder is on the rise and so is the helplessness to face it. Under neuro-pedagogical understanding, it is a matter of assessing and "tackling" the child's learning problems (here in connection with arithmetic lessons) from different angles.

ISBN 978-3-86145-272-0
[ 2332 ] ADS, LRS und Co. (German)
23.27 € 23.27 € 23.27 EUR
Kinder mit ADS/ADHS, Lese-Rechtschreib-Schwäche oder auch einer Rechenschwäche sind nicht weniger intelligent als andere - auch wenn sie Probleme haben den Schulstoff richtig aufzunehmen und zu verarbeiten. Gleiches gilt für Kinder mit einer Sprachentwicklungsverzögerung. Die Schwierigkeiten dieser Kinder gehen auf Wahrnehmungsstörungen zurück und zwar auf AVWS (Auditive Verarbeitungs- und Wahrnehmungsstörungen) und visuelle Verarbeitungsstörungen. Wie man diese Wahrnehmungsstörungen diagnostiziert und welche Tests Sie als Eltern selbst durchführen können, lesen Sie in diesem Buch. Sie erfahren auch, mit welchen Übungen man eine Verbesserung erreicht und wie sie für Ihr Kind ein individuelles Trainingsprogramm zusammenstellen können. In diese aktualisierte 3. Auflage wurde zusätzlich das Kapitel über das HEG-basierte Neurofeedback (Hämoenzephalographie) aufgenommen. Es werden hierin die theoretischen Grundlagen der HEG erläutert, wie die HEG (Hämoenzephalographie) in die Psychomotorische Ganzheitstherapie integriert wird und Fallbeispiele beschrieben.

ISBN: 978-3-940-190-92-5
[ L1154 ] Book "Wie wirksam ist Biofeedback?" by Martin/Rief (German)
48.03 € 48.03 € 48.03 EUR
Through the systematic feedback of physiological signals, people can learn to change them in a desired direction. This opens up fascinating treatment options for mental and physical illnesses. "How Effective is Biofeedback?" presents such treatment approaches, addressing topics such as chronic pain conditions, migraine, hypertension, tinnitus, epilepsy, paralysis - but also the use of biofeedback as a supplement in the psychotherapy of mental illnesses such as post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorders, sleep disorders, depression, or addiction disorders.

In particular, this book provides guidance as to which biofeedback approach has been scientifically validated for which disorder. Additional framework information (e.g., continuing education guidelines, quality assurance measures) is also addressed.

Interested parties: Psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists; all researchers in the field of biofeedback.

ISBN: 978-3-456-84645-3
[ 2057 ] Neuromotorische Regulationsstörungen im Kindesalter [Dr. Wolfgang Gündel] (german)
44.87 € 44.87 € 44.87 EUR
The authors approach the complex matter of neuro- and sensomotoric maturation in childhood, especially from a special education perspective. In addition to theoretical principles, they present an observation method for the recognition of neuromotor dysfunctions. The authors attach particular importance to the fact that both motoscopic and reaction-inducing procedures are used in the assessment of neuromotor developmental disorders.
In addition, they present a practical concept for the promotion of neuro- and sensorimotor skills, which the authors have been successfully applying for more than 10 years in their special school and in the working group "Help for the Behaviorally Sensitive Child".
The reader is provided with concrete, practice-relevant diagnostic and support possibilities, which can also be deepened in specialist seminars. The current models and approaches in this field are integrated and made accessible to the reader.
[ 2315-SET ] The most beautiful reading lion stories SET - book+6CDs
140.39 € 140.39 € 140.39000000000001 EUR
The stories in this book with 6 matching audio CDs are as exciting and colorful as the world of reading lions. It is about clever ponies and tricky robbers, about spooky ghosts and monstrous monsters. But also about annoying siblings and eager sportsmen. There is a suitable story for everyone.