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[ 8504 ] skin temperature (temperature sensor)
This temperature sensor (designed for the Infiniti system) measures deviations of skin temperature as an additional measure related to stress, or relaxation. The application is also often useful to deal with certain types of pain treatment.
351.94 € 351.94 EUR
[ NWP-01 ] network partnership
MediTECH's new network partner model - your advantages at a glance:
- annual product package worth up to 300€
- Participation in the moderated forum for network partners
- Use of the network partnership in your external presentation: flyer, website, ...
- Listing as an expert at www.meditech.de and partner platforms
- Free participation in the Partner and Friends Day
- Use of an exclusive telephone hotline for your concerns and technical questions
- Free participation in up to twenty exclusive knowledge deepenings online per year
- Exclusive rental model for network partners: Easy access to new technologies
- Build up your goods and services credit through successful recommendation and referral of training solutions - you save 15% of the goods sales you generate as budget for the following year.
- Building your training budget: you save 30% of your course fees as budget for the following year
273.10 € 273.1 EUR
[ 8982-V2-2.0 ] eVu TPS V2 Biofeedback system as finger sensor with skin conductance, temperature, pulse 2.0 ( BioGraph Destress & Body&Mind) )
The eVu TPS system consists of a small finger sensor that can do big things: Skin conductance, temperature and pulse can be recorded simultaneously with the system. A targeted relaxation training can be performed for each modality. The eVU-Senz APP available on ANDROID and iOS is included in the price and can be downloaded free of charge from the Google Play store or the Apple app store.
Set consists of sensor, charging cable and practical storage case.

Additional options are offered by the Body & Mind app from MediTECH. In this app, you can combine biofeedback and neurofeedback: To do this, use the MediTECH HEG-mobil neurofeedback sensor with the TPS-V2 sensor.
603.02 € 603.02 EUR
[ 9975 ] eVu TPS Biofeedbacksystem + Synergy Solution Suite
The Synergy solution uses the eVu TPS finger sensors to access each user's heart rate variability, arousal and temperature. This tells you how they are feeling, whether they are engaged and how best to help them. You will receive a PRIMARY TPS sensor for use with the Synergy suite and a SECONDARY TPS that works exclusively in conjunction with the first TPS.
2,520.08 € 2520.08 EUR
[ 2206-MP3-DE ] articulation audio file MP3 (German)
Automation through synchronous speech.
15.80 € 15.8 EUR
[ K-BF-D2 ] [Webcast] "The de-stressed patient" by Dr. Ingrid Pirker-Binder
Online seminar (1 hour) on "The de-stressed patient" - how to optimally integrate biofeedback applications in stress management and relaxation training in a therapeutic treatment model.
32.77 € 32.77 EUR
[ WV-Webcast_000001 ] [WV-Webcast_000001] Webcast: Lernförderung durch Hirnleistungstraining
In diesem Webinar beschäftigen wir uns mit der Aussage, dass Automatisierung das Lernen und richtiges Lesen und Schreiben fördert. Wir beginnen mit der Problemstellung „Diktate daheim…. Und in der Schule“. Danach gehen wir dazu auf das Thema des Sprachverstehens im Lärm genauer ein. Wir sprechen über Faktoren, wie das Richtungshören, Nachhallzeit und Raumakustik, sowie aus der Belastung entstehende psychische Belastungen und Spannungen für Klienten. Wir gehen danach auf die Bedeutung der Automatisierung ein und lernen, was Automatisierung eigentlich genau ist. Wir sprechen über Lernerfolg und klären die Frage, was eigentlich Sprache genau ist. Wir gehen auf mehrere wichtigen Studien als Referenzpunkte ein. Im Anschluss daran schauen wir uns an, wie trainiert wird. Wir schlüsseln die einzelnen Säulen des Verfahrens auf und gehen auf jede Säule genau ein. Zum Abschluss gibt es nochmal eine kurze Zusammenfassung und einen Überblick.
32.77 € 32.77 EUR
[ OK-WV-A1 ] [OK-WV-A1] Warnke-Verfahren Grundkurs mit dem neuen BrainCentral
Sprache und Sprachverstehen in jedem Lebensalter zu fördern ist das Hauptanliegen des Warnke®-Verfahrens. Dies beginnt mit dem kindlichen Spracherwerb, umfasst die Förderung der Schriftsprache (Lesen und Schreiben) und schließt mit der Unterstützung sicheren Sprachverstehens im Erwachsenenalter ab.
Schwierigkeiten beim Verstehen von Sprache nehmen stetig zu. Dies gilt gleichermaßen für Kinder und Erwachsene. Trotz eines guten Gehörs fehlt es oftmals am sicheren Verstehen. Hörtests bringen zumeist kein Ergebnis. Dieser Kurs vermittelt Ihnen einen hochaktuellen Überblick zu Hintergründen und Ursachen.
Mit dem Warnke®-Prüfverfahren ermitteln Sie zunächst den aktuellen Stand der Sprachverarbeitung Ihres jeweiligen Klienten. Zu jedem festgestellten Ergebnis bietet das Warnke®-Verfahren eine konkrete und maßgeschneiderte Trainingsmöglichkeit. Die Wirksamkeit des Warnke®-Verfahrens wurde u. a. durch Studien der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover wiederholt wissenschaftlich nachgewiesen.
Der Kurs vermittelt anschaulich anhand von lebensnahen Praxisbeispielen und Übungen sofort nutzbares Wissen rund um Sprache und Wahrnehmung. Alle Teilnehmer erleben für sich den gesamten Warnke®-Prüfablauf sowie die systematischen Trainingsmöglichkeiten des Verfahrens. Andere Ansätze sowie die Einbindung in ihre tägliche Arbeit werden angemessen erläutert und diskutiert.
251.26 € 251.26000000000002 EUR
[ 9166 ] Zukor-Mini-Suite für ProComp 2 - HEG and more
Special software solution for the use of Zukor games with a ProComp 2 including HEG.
352.94 € 352.94 EUR
[ 8060 ] Zukor training screens full version - for ProComp5
MediTECH-Suite for BioGraph Infiniti to train more effectively with the Zukor applications. More than 30 professionally designed training screens with analysis function offer you the possibility to perform highly professional biofeedback using 3D games from ZUKOR for 14 different application areas.

Usable with the ProComp Infiniti from BioGraph Infiniti 6 and higher.

Training screens for:
- Anxiety management
- relaxation training
- Heart rate variability
- Hypertension treatment
- Concentration training
- Muscle building (neurological training)
- Insomnia
- Pain treatment
- Tinnitus
- Vasoconstriction training
- AD(H)D treatment
- Peak Performance Training
- Stress Management
- Anti-depression training
352.94 € 352.94 EUR
[ 8049 ] Zukor training screens - full version - for ProComp Infiniti
MediTECH-Suite for BioGraph Infiniti to train more effectively with the Zukor applications. More than 30 professionally designed training screens with analysis function offer you the possibility to perform highly professional biofeedback using 3D games from ZUKOR for 14 different application areas.

Usable with the ProComp Infiniti from BioGraph Infiniti 6 and higher.

Training screens for:
- Anxiety management
- relaxation training
- Heart rate variability
- Hypertension treatment
- Concentration training
- Muscle building (neurological training)
- Insomnia
- Pain treatment
- Tinnitus
- Vasoconstriction training
- AD(H)D treatment
- Peak Performance Training
- Stress Management
- Anti-depression training
352.94 € 352.94 EUR
[ 8053-SET ] Zukor feedback games / USB-Stick
Zukor Games on installation media (all offered ZUKOR games).
Does NOT include a software license! This must be purchased separately.
*** Order free of charge when ordering ZUKOR games. Otherwise a nominal fee of 50 € will be charged ***
50.41 € 50.410000000000004 EUR
[ 8059 ] Zukor Trainingsbildschirme – Starterpaket – für ProComp5
Starter-Paket ZUKOR-Trainingsbildschirme Für ProComp 5 - kostenfrei beim Kauf eines ZUKOR-Spiels (Umfang ist in der Voll-Version enthalten)
99.83 € 99.83 EUR
[ 8048 ] Zukor Training Screens Starter Pack - for ProComp Infiniti
Starter package ZUKOR training screens For ProComp Infiniti - free of charge with the purchase of a ZUKOR game (scope is included in the full version)
99.83 € 99.83 EUR
[ 8052 ] ZUKOR SPORTS I feedback game for BioGraph Infiniti
ZUKOR SPORTS I offers a total of 10 different sports as feedback, with two from the same discipline with different tasks (e.g. goal scoring in football and ballacrobatics). Basketball, ice hockey, football, baseball and basketball are currently included.
589.92 € 589.92 EUR
[ 8046 ] ZUKOR MediaPlayer
ZUKOR MediaPlayer allows the integration of common video formats, especially MP4 files, as feedback. More than 100 different settings can be used for the feedback. The functionality goes far beyond starting or stopping DVDs or reducing/enlarging the picture signal. Audibly and visually, the running animation can be adjusted in diverse ways, e.g. the firestorms, snowstorms or massive image turbulences. Use ZUKOR MediaPlayer through the diverse integration screens created for Infiniti.
589.92 € 589.92 EUR
[ 8043 ] ZUKOR GRIND Feedback Game
ZUKOR GRIND is a high quality feedback game suitable for children, teenagers and adults alike. On currently four different levels and with a choice of eight different characters, it offers diverse and stimulating scenarios for motivating and effective biofeedback training. The trainee slips into the role of a skateboarder and performs very different and sometimes bizarre landscapes and environments.
589.92 € 589.92 EUR
[ 8051 ] ZUKOR DRIVE - feedback game (standard)
The standard version of ZUKOR DRIVE is by far the most attractive feedback game from ZUKOR. Several different tracks and numerous different vehicles enable a very special feedback experience - each time anew.
589.92 € 589.92 EUR
[ 8051-Addon ] ZUKOR DRIVE - PEAK Performance ADD-ON
Extension (add-on) to the basic version of ZUKOR DRIVE.
- 100 vehicles
- 5 driving modes (race, competition, zombie apocalypse,...)
- 20 race tracks
and numerous other features.
*** Requires valid Zukor Drive license ***
403.36 € 403.36 EUR
[ 8045 ] ZUKOR Carnival Feedback Game for BioGraph Infiniti
ZUKOR Carnival is a feedback game of high quality which is particularly suitable for children and teenagers. With a selection of about 10 different carnival attractions (retro versus modern) it offers versatile and entertaining short training episodes for motivating and effective biofeedback training.
589.92 € 589.92 EUR