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[ 8676-GB ] EEG Suite 6.x EN for [P2|P5|PI]
Software package for BioGraph Infiniti for EEG-based biofeedback (neurofeedback). Includes a variety of analysis and training screens as well as selected training protocols
352.94 € 352.94 EUR
[ 8720-PI ] Easy-Screens Suite ProComp Infiniti BI 6.x DE / USB-Stick
The Easy screens were developed to make the practical implementation of biofeedback with almost any sensor combination under BioGraph Infiniti particularly simple and elegant. More than 150 different, clearly structured and catchy analysis and training screens make your work with biofeedback in the future - "easy"..
352.94 € 352.94 EUR
[ 8704-MYO ] Rehab Suite for MyOnyx including BioGraph Infiniti license
Die MyOnyx Rehab Suite ist eine Softwareanwendung, die für das MyOnyx-Gerät und die
BioGraph Infiniti®-Software entwickelt wurde. Es wird für die Oberflächenelektromyographie (SEMG)Rehabilitationstherapie im Muskel verwendet.
Es enthält eine Reihe von interaktiven Bildschirmen, vordefinierten Sitzungen und Aufgaben. Diese bieten
sofortiges Feedback für den Arzt und den Klienten.
1,632.00 € 1632.0 EUR
[ 9975 ] eVu TPS Biofeedbacksystem + Synergy Solution Suite
The Synergy solution uses the eVu TPS finger sensors to access each user's heart rate variability, arousal and temperature. This tells you how they are feeling, whether they are engaged and how best to help them. You will receive a PRIMARY TPS sensor for use with the Synergy suite and a SECONDARY TPS that works exclusively in conjunction with the first TPS.
2,520.08 € 2520.08 EUR
[ 8632 ] Setting up for clinical success Suite
This suite is the result of years of experience in education, clinical work and scientific research under the direction of Lynda and Michael Thompson. The bandwidths, evaluation methods and feedback methods used in the setup for clinical success have been carefully selected to maximize efficiency. Over seventy (70) screens are included for the Infiniti program; their configurations meet the training objectives and link them to the most common bandwidths and biofeedback modalities used for training a variety of disorders. This suite can help you start your training program quickly, easily and successfully!
199.67 € 199.67000000000002 EUR
[ 8882 ] Lokohelp suite for ProComp Infiniti
Softwarepackage for gait training using BioGraph Infiniti / ProComp Infiniti. This software package includes solutions for up to 8 EMG- and force sensors that help monitor and train gait performance. Application is usually done in combination with the LOKOHELP system, for which this software package was specially designed. The software package is available either in German or English. Individual adjustment and instructions on site are strongly recommended as additional services.
1,157.65 € 1157.65 EUR
[ 8546 ] Styrofoam head
Training model for electrode placement.
21.18 € 21.18 EUR
[ 8675-GB ] Physiology Suite 6.x, for BioGraph Infiniti English / USB-Stick
Software package "Physiology" for BioGraph Infiniti (English version) - Diversity of screens and training scripts for general physiology and biofeedback training
352.94 € 352.94 EUR
405.00 € 405.0 EUR
[ 8869 ] BFE Limited Edition Continence Suite
Physiotherapeuten, Krankenschwestern und andere medizinische Fachkräfte, die bereits SEMG-Biofeedback verwenden, werden diese Suite als große Hilfe für die Bewertung und das Training von Patienten mit Stress-, Drang- und Mischinkontinenz empfinden. In der Suite sind Daten enthalten, die von praktizierenden Klinikern aus ihrer täglichen Arbeit mit Klienten zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Limited Edition beinhaltet eine Software, die es ermöglicht, Computergrafiken oder Lichter als Lehrmittel zu verwenden, um die richtigen Muskeln zu identifizieren und zu erlernen. Eine optimale Biofeedback-Therapie beinhaltet die Visualisierung der Bewegungen von Becken- und Bauchmuskeln, weshalb ein Zweikanalsystem vorzuziehen ist. Das Infiniti-System verfügt über Elektromyographen (EMG)-Kanäle.

Die BFE Limited Edition Suiten erfordern die Verwendung der neuesten Version der BioGraph Infiniti Software und der Thought Technology Infiniti Hardware.

199.67 € 199.67000000000002 EUR
The statistics associated with ADHD are concerning. Among adults with untreated ADHD, comorbidity data indicate rates of depression, mood disorders, and anxiety over 50%, alcoholism and other addictions over 50%, and smoking rates 50% higher than the general population. Among young men (average age 22), a recent study found a 95% higher arrest rate and a much higher incarceration rate than in the general population. If ADHD is identified at a young age, it can be treated well with neurotherapy. But is it really ADHD? Treating the wrong condition won't help ADHD. Join Dr. Swingle as he discusses the complexities of identifying and treating ADHD and related disorders.
41.34 € 41.34 EUR
In this live webinar recording from February 12, 2013, Dr. Paul Swingle discusses the issues surrounding sleep and our current medical understanding of it. He discussed how much of what clinicians, therapists, physicians and psychologists have traditionally been taught about sleep is actually wrong. He explores the architecture of sleep quality, how specific sleep problems look in terms of EEG brain activity, and how it is monitored in his clinic.
41.34 € 41.34 EUR
Dieses Softwarepaket wurde von Dr. Inna Khazan als Werkzeug für jeden Kliniker entwickelt, der eine auf Achtsamkeitsakzeptanz basierende Biofeedback-Praxis aufbauen möchte.

Die Software basiert auf den Anweisungen von Dr. Khazans Buch The Clinical Handbook of Biofeedback: Eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für das Training und die Praxis mit Achtsamkeit und ist ein ausgezeichnetes Begleitinstrument, um ihre klinische Methode schnell in die Tat umzusetzen. Alle Aspekte der Achtsamkeitssuite wurden persönlich in Dr. Khazans Privatpraxis getestet, ein Beweis für die hohen Erwartungen.

Die Achtsamkeitssuite umfasst Folgendes:
- Bewertung des psychophysiologischen Stressprofils mit automatischer graphischer Darstellung der Ergebnisse in einem leicht lesbaren Excel-Bericht.
- Bewertung des Entspannungsprofils zur Beurteilung, welche Entspannungs- oder Meditationstechnik für die individuelle Selbstregulation des Klienten am besten geeignet ist. Die Bewertung ist ein automatisierter Excel-Bericht, der relevante Daten in leicht lesbare Diagramme einträgt.
- Resonanzfrequenz-Auswertung mit automatischer graphischer Darstellung der Ergebnisse, um die Datenanalyse zu vereinfachen.
- Vorab gruppierte Überwachungs- und Trainingsbildschirme, die Dr. Khazans Stil des Biofeedbacktrainings folgen. Die Daten werden aus der Muskelspannung, der Atmung, der Herzfrequenz (BVP oder EKG), dem Hautleitwert und der Temperatur gewonnen. Die Bildschirme sind für 1- oder 2-Monitor-Konfigurationen ausgelegt.
- Dokumentation in Form eines Software-Handbuchs, das die Benutzer anleitet, wie sie alle technischen Aspekte der Ausrüstung, des Sensors und des Software-Setups sowie die Beispielkundendaten nutzen können. Das Software-Handbuch verweist auch auf die spezifischen Kapitel und Seiten von Dr. Khazan's Buch für relevante klinische Informationen.
- Um den Erfolg anderer Kliniker zu fördern, hat Dr. Khazan auch mehrere Entspannungstext-Skripte beigefügt, die mit den Klienten während der Beurteilung des Entspannungsprofils verwendet werden können.

Als zusätzlicher Nutzen stellt die Achtsamkeitssuite auch einen neuen visuell ansprechenden und beruhigenden Look für die Anzeige von Biofeedback-Daten dar, den jeder Kliniker und Klient zu schätzen wissen wird. Dazu gehören auch neue, scharfe Animationen/Videos für das Feedback.
199.67 € 199.67000000000002 EUR
This introductory suite is ideal for professionals entering the field of biofeedback or as an educational tool for students. It was developed specifically to complement Dr. Erik Peper's Biofeedback Mastery book, recently published by the Association of Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (available separately). Together, the book and suite teach fundamental skills drawn from more than thirty years of biofeedback training and teaching experience.

Training is provided in,

To make sense of data;
monitor and display biological signals of interest;
discover the underlying physiology of each signal;
to record the signal accurately;
recognize the fundamentals of self-regulation;
use techniques to connect and attach sensors;
distinguish true feedback signals from artifacts.
199.67 € 199.67000000000002 EUR
This suite was designed by Lothar Niepoth, the president of the German Biofeedback Society. This application enables clinicians to help clients suffering from sleep disorders with a direct and simple format.

The training is divided into two different protocols, depending on the needs of the individual
- Facial and shoulder muscle relaxation protocol (uses 3 MyoScan Pro sensors to measure muscle tension; with optional additional sensors for respiration, temperature, skin conductance and heart rate/blood volume pulse)
- EEG training for calming the mind (uses one EEG Z-sensor, with 2 secondary MyoScan Pro sensors)

The software is designed for use with the ProComp Infiniti and ProComp5 Infiniti encoders. The software manual contains descriptions of all necessary steps of connection and recording as well as sensor application (physiology & EEG), navigating the software to initiate the desired recording session, performing an impedance check, how to train clients and review their data. Clinical information for the client request is directly included in the software manual.

199.67 € 199.67000000000002 EUR
This ClinicalQ & Braindriver software suite designed by Dr. Paul G. Swingle includes everything you need to fully implement this method in your practice. The ClinicalQ Assessment examines brain activity at 5 sites as a basis for determining training plans quickly and effectively. Results from the assessment are arranged in a simple excel report, which includes notes for quick interpretation. The documentation included with the suite guides users through the entire process of hardware hook-up, client preparation, impedance check, data recording and reviewing. Braindriver training screens feature the use of Dr. Swingle’s harmonics that facilitate the therapeutic process by entrainment. Sample data is also included with the software program to allow purchasers to see a real-time recording of a Braindriver session.

New Features:
Digital version of Dr. Swingle’s book “Adding Neurotherapy to Your Practice: Clinician’s Guide to the ClinicalQ, Neurofeedback and Braindriving” (found in the suite documents folder)
Lesson recordings that explain all features of the software suite
Integration of ClinicalQ Report Writer website tool, that collects data used to generate an optional client report
This BFE suite requires the use of the latest version of the BioGraph Infiniti software (6.2) and Thought Technology Infiniti hardware. The excel report feature requires Microsoft Excel.
398.32 € 398.32 EUR
[ 8735 ] Voice Suite by Dr. Adam Kirkpatrick [BFE]
The display screens in this suite help demonstrate how the voice is produced and how surface electromyography (SEMG) is used to measure and monitor the muscles involved. The SEMG signal provides important measures of posture and helps professionals look at the voice in action and voice pathology. The suite is meant to help newcomers to the field apply what has been demonstrated by research and experience.
199.67 € 199.67000000000002 EUR
[ 8863 ] Swallowing Disorders | Dysphagia Suite [BFE].
Dysphagia - Suite (BFE) for swallowing disorders
Speech and voice therapists confirm that this software puts the concepts of biofeedback training for the treatment of dysphagia into practice. The software is based on the latest research findings conducted by the Swallowing Rehabilitation Research Laboratory at the prestigious Toronto Rehabilitation Institute in Ontario, Canada.
313.61 € 313.61 EUR
[ 9137 ] Military and Security Suite [BFE] / USB-Stick
The Military and Security Suite is designed by Henk Kraaijenhof and Yuval Oded, based on their experience training military and law enforcement personnel. Individuals with these jobs undergo specific, intense and emotional forms of stress, to which the software's context takes into account. The suite is designed specifically for optimal performance under pressure with individuals the military, security and law enforcement.

The software components of the suite can be split into two primary & separate components:

The Psychophysiological Assessment (which records the psycho-physiological reactions of a subject over several stress-inducing tasks and accompanying recoveries), assessment excel report (presents the relevant statistics in an easy-to-read format) and training screens (screens for training specific modalities based on the results of the assessment).

The Reaction Time Assessment and Training (which records the speed of reaction for several different target practice protocol types), with excel report (which displays the relevant reaction tine statistics from the session).
199.67 € 199.67000000000002 EUR