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  • Warnke Procedure
  • Motoric training
  • Cerium colored overlays
[ S006 ] Wedemärker Lesetest WLT (meaningless reading test from grade level 2 onwards)
This reading test can be used from grade level 2 on to record the automated letter-to-speech conversion. Age normalizations are available for grades 2, 3 and 4. These are part of the delivery. The test person reads a meaningless text aloud; the tester stops the time and determines the number of reading errors.
54.08 € 54.08 EUR
[ WV-Webcast-2019-12 ] Webcast 19-12 Warnke method - "Tinnitus - Training against the sound in the head".
In etwa einstündigen Videos lernen Sie – bequem am Computer in Ihrer Praxis oder zu Hause – Hintergründe, Vorgehensweisen und Kniffe zu bestimmten Fragestellungen kennen. Per Internet-Übertragung folgen Sie einer Präsentation und hören die Ausführungen des / der Referenten.
Sie bestimmen für sich selbst – innerhalb des betreffenden Monats – wann, wo und wie oft Sie den Webcast anschauen, um die für Sie relevanten Inhalte zu konsumieren.
Kostenfreier Zugang für EGBNV-Mitglieder und Netzwerkpartner der MediTECH.
32.77 € 32.77 EUR
[ OK-WV-A ] Warnke-Verfahren Basic course (recorded)
To promote speech and language understanding at any age is the main objective of the Warnke® method. This begins with the acquisition of language in children, includes the promotion of the written language (reading and writing) and ends with the support of secure language understanding in adulthood.
Difficulties in understanding language are constantly increasing. This applies equally to children and adults. Despite good hearing, there is often a lack of confident understanding. Hearing tests usually give no result. This course gives you a highly topical overview of the background and causes.
With the Warnke® testing procedure you first determine the current state of speech processing of your respective client. The Warnke® method offers a concrete and customized training option for each result. The effectiveness of the Warnke® method has been scientifically proven repeatedly, among other things, by studies of the Medical University of Hannover.
The course provides immediately usable knowledge about language and perception by means of true-to-life practical examples and exercises. All participants experience the entire Warnke® test procedure as well as the systematic training possibilities of the procedure. Other approaches as well as the integration into their daily work will be explained and discussed appropriately.
251.26 € 251.26000000000002 EUR
[ OK-WV-B ] Warnke procedure advanced course (recording)
Recording of the Warnke procedure Advanced course: Practical testing + training of listening perception, language and spelling

Building on the contents of the Warnke® basic course "Improving auditory perception, language and spelling through causal training", participants in this course acquire solid practical knowledge. The participants learn in small groups of three to five participants how to operate the most important devices of the Warnke® process. All questions from the concrete practice situations are immediately answered by the experienced instructor / supervisor. Test procedure, low-level functions, perception selectivity and above all lateral training determine the core contents of this advanced course. It is divided into eight exercise blocks and offers the following contents:
- Introduction to the operation of the central audiometer (module in AUDIO4LAB) for testing and training the low-level functions (90 min)
- Practical implementation of the Warnke® test procedure in small groups in role play under supervision (180 min)
- Introduction to the training with the Brain-Boy® as well as the training of visual spelling (90 min)
- Use and application of the professional lateral training: All functions are explained, tested and deepened in subsequent practical exercises. (320 min)
This course enables you to use the Warnke® test procedure and the training based on it competently and safely in the future.
322.27 € 322.27 EUR
[ OK-WV-C15 ] Warnke Procedure Theme Course: Moving - Hearing - Seeing - Learning - Speech (Recording)
Warnke-Verfahren Themenkurs: Bewegen – Hören – Sehen – Lernen – Sprache (Aufzeichnung)
322.27 € 322.27 EUR
[ 6825-V03 ] WWTT 3.x - Test and Training Software Version multilingual (USB-Stick)
Analysis and training software for perception selectivity / sound differentiation

This article covers the license for ONE language. With the test function of the computer program WWTT, an objective perceptual discriminatory test is possible even at pre-school age. The client hears the six plosive sounds in combination with a vowel (ba, da, ga, ...) in a random order with 10 occurrences each and repeats them as quickly as possible into a microphone. The test leader documents errors via the computer keyboard. Correctness and speed are taken into account in the evaluation.
Already since version 2.0 the abbreviation WWTT as Wedemärker Wahrnehmungs-Trennschärfe-Test rightly carries the addition "and Trainer". The program has an extensive training function, which has been significantly expanded since version 3.1.
107.06 € 107.06 EUR
[ 6825-V03d ] WWTT 3.x - Test and Training Software Version multilingual (DOWNLOAD)
Download version of WWTT 3.x (without data carrier)
Perceptual selectivity test to detect and improve sound discrimination in noise
Recommended accessories: Headset MT-HS-801 (7977)
107.06 € 107.06 EUR
[ 10020 ] Test set in a case for the Warnke test procedure (learning/attentiveness/hearing comprehension/automation)
Test set with the key elements of the Warnke Perception Analysis:
- (Nr. 8) Balancing rod
- (Nr. 9) Grapheme Reading Test (WLT)
- (Nr. 10) Short term memory test
- (Nr. 11a) PDT Phoneme Discrimination Test (vowel consonant vowel words) on CD
- (Nr. 11b) Wedemark Phoneme Selectivity Test WPST (ba-da-ga-ka-pa-ta) - computer programm
- (Nr. 12) Fixation objekt
- (Nr. 13) Lang-Stereo-Test II to analysis binocular vision and polarisation cross test with polarized glasses and backlight cross test solution
- (Nr. 14) visual spelling memory - test instructions

Central auditory processing skills (low-level functions - steps Nr. 1-7b are being assessed using the BASS software solution (screening of 3 functions) or the BrainCentral BrainAudiometer (all 8 functions)
763.61 € 763.61 EUR
[ 2386 ] Tail unit to balancing rod
Tail unit to balancing rod
5.46 € 5.46 EUR
[ 2191 ] Sleeping glasses
Cuddly comfort and complete eye coverage, satin exterior, soft polyester terry cloth interior, nose padding.
5.46 € 5.46 EUR
[ 2379 ] Roller 40x50 cm
Stable roller (or roll, geometrically correct: cylinder) on which you can balance sitting, kneeling, standing and walking.
Of course, it can be used for many other motoric applications (ergotherapy, movement rehabilitation, ...).
Can also be used as a stool.
Diameter: 40 cm
height / width: 50 cm
manufacturer: Lüne-Combinato
Lacquered spruce wood with fluffy felt covering, so that the surface is hutschhemmend. For balancing and "walking" on the roll, however, the surface should also be slip-resistant.
281.85 € 281.85 EUR
[ 2377-Set ] Rocking board (set incl. instructions and accessories)
Motoric training set consisting of:
- Special rocker board, which has no zero point and thus constantly stimulates balance performance, covered with carpet and equipped with an additional carrying bar on the bottom side.
- two soft, inflatable bouncing balls
- a "sleeping mask" for training with closed eyes-
- detailed instructions for conducting various training sessions using the rocker board to promote attention and automation skills
245.80 € 245.8 EUR
[ 2391 ] Replacement balls for "lying eight" (set of 2)
Set consisting of 2 balls in a small bag
6.50 € 6.5 EUR
[ 2295 ] Rechenschwächen erkennen und behandeln, Ingeborg Milz (Book - German)
Obviously, this form of learning disorder is on the rise and so is the helplessness to face it. Under neuro-pedagogical understanding, it is a matter of assessing and "tackling" the child's learning problems (here in connection with arithmetic lessons) from different angles.

ISBN 978-3-86145-272-0
30.99 € 30.990000000000002 EUR
[ 2270 ] Practical handbook on the Warnke process: Hören - Sehen - Bewegen: Wirksame Hilfe bei Automatisierungs-Problemen
A dynamic training program thrives on the fact that it is constantly changing and responding to new insights.
This book provides information about the current status of the Warnke method and its integration and support possibilities. The Warnke method: Hearing - seeing - moving: A dynamic training program lives from the fact that it is constantly changing and responding to new findings. Thus, the Warnke method has also developed further in some central areas. On this basis, the therapist's guide "We do not only hear with our ears" has been completely revised. Thus the new "Practice Manual for the Warnke®-Procedure" was created. In it, Fred Warnke conveys his latest state of knowledge in this field, the results of extensive data collection, results from several studies as well as insights from discussions with many users of the procedure. From child-oriented and realistic testing of the most important sub-functions of central hearing to low-level training and lateral training for all age groups (from pre-school children to adults), there is also a wealth of experience from the many experienced users of this method.
24.18 € 24.18 EUR
[ 2040-Set ] Perceptual discrimination set (WTT/WWTT)
2 Phoneme discrimination tests set for testing speech comprehension in noise
Consist of:
- Phoneme Discrimination Test (PDT)
- WPDT (Wedemark Phoneme Discrimination Test (computer program)
- MT-HS-801 headset solution
382.36 € 382.36 EUR
[ 2074-DE-V6 ] Manual for the extended test procedure according to Warnke (HaPA) - current version (Winfried Scholtz/Fred Warnke/Ralph Warnke)
The comprehensive companion book for all who use the Warnke method in their practice. The manual, delivered in a large A4 folder, describes the test steps of the Warnke test procedure in detail on more than 500 pages. In addition, about 45 different test steps as well as their preparation and follow-up actions are explained, evaluations are described and training recommendations are given. The CDROM included in the scope of delivery contains a comprehensive training center with various tests and pre-recorded instructions - a valuable aid for the test execution.

The manual is supplied as a "loose-leaf collection" and is typically updated every 12-24 months.
241.77 € 241.77 EUR
[ 2373 ] Lying eight
The lying eight is suitable for training the coordination and cooperation of the two hemispheres in a playful way. In the present version, there is a rolling track on each side with a different depth (and thus a different level of difficulty).
In addition, there are milled circles around the openings on both sides to allow two balls (also with two diameters) to run simultaneously.
The game comes with one large and one small metal ball.

Size: 56 x 23 cm

Training possibilities: improved eye-hand coordination, interaction of the ears and sense of balance- with closed eyes.
43.59 € 43.59 EUR
[ 2291 ] Lese-Rechtschreib-Schwierigkeiten, Nicole Ramacher-Faasen (Book, German)
This book explains the phenomenon of dyslexia and spelling difficulties and describes in a clear, practical way the diagnosis and criteria for promotion. It takes into account the difficult learning situation of affected children and provides help in coping with it. The author knows about the fears and self-esteem problems of affected children, knows the unwillingness and demotivation. She has experienced with what eagerness these children also approach reading and writing, find joy in it and successfully reduce their difficulties if they are helped in a qualified way.
26.73 € 26.73 EUR