
Continue learning with MediTECH Electronic GmbH. Collect points in the forum or on the eLearning platform. With these points you can reach new ranks.

How can I earn badges?

When you complete a course or reach milestones, you earn badges.

How can I score more points?

You can earn more points by answering quiz questions at the end of each course content. Points can also be earned in the forum. Follow this link to the forum guidelines.

  • Rank badge
    10,000 points
  • Rank badge
    2,000 points
  • Rank badge
    500 points
  • Rank badge
    100 points
  • Rank badge
    1 points


Besides gaining reputation with your questions and answers, you receive badges for being especially helpful.
Badges appear on your profile page, and your posts.

Get started
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117 awarded users
Know yourself
Know yourself

Complete your profile

109 awarded users

Completed own biography

105 awarded users
Power User
Power User

Complete a course

25 awarded users
Community hero
Community hero

Reach 2000 XP

15 awarded users
Popular Question
Popular Question

Asked a question with at least 150 views

8 awarded users
Notable Question
Notable Question

Asked a question with at least 250 views

8 awarded users
Famous Question
Famous Question

Asked a question with at least 500 views

7 awarded users

First upvote

6 awarded users
Credible Question
Credible Question

Question set as favorite by 1 user

3 awarded users
HEG Final Exam
HEG Final Exam

Congratulations, you have done the HEG Final Exam.

3 awarded users

Auszeichnung für außergewöhnlichen Einsatz beim Strukturieren / Organisieren einer komplexen Aufgabe!

2 awarded users
Good Job
Good Job

You did great at your job.

1 awarded users
Held/Heldin der Buchhaltung
Held/Heldin der Buchhaltung

Auszeichnung für besondere Leistungen im Bereich der Fibu / Buchhaltung.

1 awarded users
Certified Knowledge
Certified Knowledge

Get a certification

1 awarded users
Favorite Question
Favorite Question

Question set as favorite by 5 users

0 awarded users
Stellar Question
Stellar Question

Question set as favorite by 25 users

0 awarded users

Answer accepted with 15 or more votes

0 awarded users

Posted 10 comments

0 awarded users

Left 10 answers with score of 10 or more

0 awarded users
Monatliches Umsatzziel erreicht
Monatliches Umsatzziel erreicht

Das im Dashboard vordefinierte Umsatzziel des Mitarbeiters / der Mitarbeiterin ist erreicht oder überschritten.

0 awarded users
Heldin des Qualitätsmanagements
Heldin des Qualitätsmanagements

Auszeichnung für die erfolgreiche Vorbereitung und Durchführung interner / externer QM-Audits und die fortgesetzte Aufrechterhaltung und Ausgestaltung unseres gelebten Qualitätsmanagement-Systems!

0 awarded users