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MEDICA  2022 

11.11.2024 bis 14.11.2024

Biofeedback covers a wide spectrum - MediTECH offers tried and tested options for a variety of applications:

  • Pain therapy

  • Psychosomatic disorders

  • ADD / ADHD

  • Migraine and headache

  • Stress Management

  • ...

Dizziness and balance problems are on the rise and are frequent triggers for accidents and days off work. With the MediBalance Pro, MediTECH offers effective options. 

Peripheral hearing and speech comprehension are increasingly causing problems not only for older people but also for the 40+ generation (or even younger). Find out at the MediTECH booth how simple means can be used to test and train here ... and try it out for yourself. 

Tinnitus - who hasn't heard the whistling or hissing noise that isn't even there? However, if it is chronic, those affected suffer from their noise ... and often also from the uncomprehending looks and comments of those around them, who do not perceive the noise. With effective hearing training, the noise can often be made bearable, reduced or even 'driven away'. 

Diese und eine Vielzahl von Therapie- und Trainingsansätzen lernen Sie an unserem Stand kennen.


Messe Düsseldorf  
Stockumer Kirchweg 61 
40474 Düsseldorf