Learning enhancement | Perception | Warnke method

Learning enhancement | Perception | Warnke method

Information on the topic of learning support and the underlying Warnke procedure. You can also find further information in our channel flyer and brochures.

Difficulty Learning Nonsense Words May Indicate a Child’s High Risk of Dyslexia

Summary: Children at high risk for dyslexia have trouble learning new words after hearing them, a new study reports. Results show those at risk of dyslexia have border difficulties in processing language in the brain, which may account for why reading difficulties occur.

Source: Aalto University

Researchers at Aalto University and the Niilo Mäki Institute have used neuroimaging to pinpoint where the brain activates – or doesn’t activate – among children identified as having a high risk of dyslexia. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) has rarely been used to study the reading disorder in children.
Dyslexia / Legasthenie
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Difficulty Learning Nonsense Words May Indicate a Child’s High Risk of Dyslexia
Summary: Children at high risk for dyslexia have trouble learning new words after hearing them, a new study reports. Results show those at risk of dyslexia have border difficulties in processing language in the brain, which may account for why reading difficulties occur.

Source: Aalto University

Researchers at Aalto University and the Niilo Mäki Institute have used neuroimaging to pinpoint where the brain activates – or doesn’t activate – among children identified as having a high risk of dyslexia. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) has rarely been used to study the reading disorder in children.

In this channel you will find information about our subject area LEARNING PROMOTION | PERFORMANCE | Warnke method