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HEG Neurofeedback info channel
Here you will find basic information about HEG neurofeedback. This is a procedure for self-regulation. Unlike conventional EEG neurofeedback, which requires a high degree of self-discipline and especially "sitting still" from the trainee, HEG is extremely easy to use, does not require any pre- and post-processing and is easy for the trainee to understand in its feedback effect.
Orthofix - Sichere Rechtschreibung trainieren - Infokanal
Orthofix® ist ein wichtiger und wirkungsvoller Bestandteil des Warnke®-Verfahrens, mit dem auf pfiffige Weise der Weg zu automatisierter und sicherer Rechtschreibung geebnet wird. Die Hauptleistung von Orthofix besteht darin, das mithilfe des Programms eindeutige Wortbilder abgespeichert werden. Diese können dann zuverlässig beim Schreiben abgerufen und genutzt werden. Ein tägliches 10-Minuten-Training ermöglicht es, mehr Sicherheit in der eigenen Rechtschreibung zu gewinnen. Durch das Training werden wichtige Voraussetzungen dafür geschaffen, dass in Zukunft auch beim ganz "normalen" Lesen neue Wörter genau erlesen und richtig abgespeichert werden.
Gute Rechtschreiber nutzen keine Regeln, sie vertrauen vielmehr auf ihr inneres Wortbild. Hand aufs Herz: Wenn Sie – als guter Rechtschreiber - einmal nicht sicher sind, wie ein Wort geschrieben wird, schreiben Sie beide Varianten auf und „sehen“, welche Schreibweise die Richtige ist. So verfügen Sie über ein eindeutiges inneres Bild je des Wortes und seiner einzelnen Buchstaben.
Warum also sollten schwache Rechtschreiber eine andere Strategie oder gar - häufig uneindeutige - Regeln lernen?
Orthofix ® bietet hier den richtigen (Aus)weg. Durch das gekoppelte Hör- und Sehtraining erschließen Sie sich eine sichere Rechtschreibung – Buchstabe für Buchstabe.
Brain-Boy Infokanal
School success through brain jogging - not only with LRS = reading and spelling problems (dyslexia) the training around the Brain-Boy offers good training chances! Also successful pupils profit from this high performance training.

For children with learning problems or reading and spelling difficulties, they do almost everything - usually with only very moderate success.even intensive practice helps only a little. Learning the rules of spelling is of little use in everyday life if, for example, individual sounds such as d and g cannot be distinguished with certainty, especially in a noisy classroom environment. The solution: training important basic skills in a playful way with the Brain-Boy. Shift gears faster, understand better: Intelligent brain performance training can promote crucial skills for confident use of language. So you can set the stage for confident comprehension, successful learning and better reading and writing.
HEG-Neurofeedback Praxisnahes Neurofeedback-Training bei ADS / ADHS, Migräne, Depressionen und Hochleistungstraining
HEG neurofeedback
Practical neurofeedback training for ADS / ADHS, migraine, depression and high performance training

HEG neurofeedback is particularly suitable for the treatment of children and adults with attention deficit disorder and lack of impulse control, such as ADD / ADHD (attention deficit disorder with and without hyperactivity). In work and sport, this method can be used in diverse ways to increase mental performance or alleviate depressive moods, to promote concentration and creativity and to develop a trusting and positive basic mood in everyday life. But HEG neurofeedback can also open up an easy and low artefact approach for other issues where the prefrontal cortex is important. HEG neurofeedback is understood as a special form of neurofeedback. With this, neuronal self-regulation can be trained for the benefit of your clients by consciously controlling and influencing the blood flow and metabolism in the brain. The clients are conditioned according to the classical principles of biofeedback.
The decisive advantage of HEG compared to classical neurofeedback sensors is the fast, simple and movement-insensitive application and fixation of the
sensor. In contrast to EEG biofeedback, HEG biofeedback requires virtually no preparation or follow-up time; the application is free of EEG-typical interference and leads to fast conditioning processes that are comprehensible to the client. ADS clients thus learn to control their own attention and concentration in a more targeted way - here new hope is created for the fidgety.
In the course, you will develop analysis steps, on the basis of which - depending on the objective - concrete training plans will be developed and implemented for your client. Another content of the course is to show correlations between HEG training and changes in the EEG as well as in other physiological parameters such as skin conductance, temperature, etc. You will learn concrete action models for ADS. You will get to know concrete action models for ADD / ADHD, high performance training, migraine, depression and more.
HEG Neurofeedback Online Training (Zertifikatslehrgang)
Our certificate course on HEG neurofeedback for you as an online course program. Open up systematically the possibilities of HEG-Neurofeedback as a simple and convincingly applicable neurofeedback method. Teach your clients the ability to actively concentrate and achieve targeted mental relaxation.
Certification icon
Learning enhancement | Perception | Warnke method
Information on the topic of learning support and the underlying Warnke procedure. You can also find further information in our channel flyer and brochures.
Here you can find all flyers and brochures about our products and training offers
Flyers and brochures (english version)
Here you can find all flyers and brochures about our products.
Webcast - Bio- & Neurofeedback "HEG based Neurofeedback" (German)
Our one-hour webcast on "HEG-based neurofeedback" - a safe introduction to smart brain performance training based on HEG (hemoencephalography)

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