Our Forums

Diese Foren richten sich an unsere Partner, Fachleute und enthusiastische Anwender 


This is our general help forum. Please select the corresponding topic related forum for all questions or comments that do not address general help requirements.

Biofeedback / Neurofeedback

In this forum contributions on the application of biofeedback and neurofeedback in analysis and training take place. Users from health care, economy, science and sport are equally welcome to contribute with questions and advice.


You use the HEG app and apply it with the HEG sensor to train your concentration and / or relaxation? You reach limits, are interested in the app, have questions or want to know how other users cope with certain things? Then you are welcome to inform and contribute in this forum.

Balance / Posture - analysis and trainingMediBalance PRO

This forum is centered around the MediBalance PRO application and dedicated to the system's users. We are open for discussions on vertigo and balance addressing both analysis and training, up to the scope of top level athletes.

Technical questions

This forum serves the clarification of technical questions (cross-product)


Learning enhancement / Warnke-method / Brain-Boy

This community is for professionals and enthusiasts of our products and services. Share and discuss your experiences and questions here with us and our national and international users.

AUDECOM - demonstrate hearing aid features convincingly

The AUDECOM is a unique and astonishing solution to demonstrate the differences between hearing aids both in regards to quality level and performance as well as manufacturers.