Instructions (alphabetically sorted)


Current products and solutions

A - C        K - N 

D - F          O - T 

G - J         U - Z  

Previous products and solutions

A - C            K - N 

D - F        O - T 

G - J        U - Z 


Current products and solutions 

A - C 

Audio Trainer AT-3000


AUDIO4LAB - AlphaTrainer Home / Professional


AUDIO4LAB - brain audiometer

BioGraph Infiniti


Brain-Boy V 6.0 (adult manual)


Brain-Boy V 6.0 (instructions for children)


Instruction video for inserting the BBU and headphones into the bag (Alternatively see below ...)

Note: The headphones are deliberately placed very tightly in the bag.

Brain-Boy Universal Professional

D - F

EEG software package for BioGraph Infiniti


FlexComp Infiniti


G - J

HEG sensor


K - N

MediBalance Pro balance system


MediTOOLs Software


O - T

Orthofix Software (Installation Guide)


Orthofix Software (User Manual)


Physiology software package for BioGraph Infiniti

ProComp Infiniti

ProComp 5

ProComp 2

U - Z

Previous Products and solutions 

A - C 

Audio-Video-Trainer AVT-7000 III


Brain-Boy V 5.0 (adult manual)


D - F

G - J

K - N

Lateral-Trainer Professional LT 3.0 (L)


O - T

U - Z