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  • Learning enhancement
  • Listening & reading material
  • Services and support
[ 10020 ] Test set in a case for the Warnke test procedure (learning/attentiveness/hearing comprehension/automation)
Test set with the key elements of the Warnke Perception Analysis:
- (Nr. 8) Balancing rod
- (Nr. 9) Grapheme Reading Test (WLT)
- (Nr. 10) Short term memory test
- (Nr. 11a) PDT Phoneme Discrimination Test (vowel consonant vowel words) on CD
- (Nr. 11b) Wedemark Phoneme Selectivity Test WPST (ba-da-ga-ka-pa-ta) - computer programm
- (Nr. 12) Fixation objekt
- (Nr. 13) Lang-Stereo-Test II to analysis binocular vision and polarisation cross test with polarized glasses and backlight cross test solution
- (Nr. 14) visual spelling memory - test instructions

Central auditory processing skills (low-level functions - steps Nr. 1-7b are being assessed using the BASS software solution (screening of 3 functions) or the BrainCentral BrainAudiometer (all 8 functions)
763.61 € 763.61 EUR
[ BC-Set1-Kombi-T ] BrainCentral set solution with tablet
BrainCentral Complete Set WITH TABLET. Includes BrainCentral, a ready-to-use Android tablet with the latest version of the BrainCentral app, two headsets, special glasses, cable set and special case solution.
Additionally included is a MediTOOLs premium license (single user) and free of charge 1 year MediTOOLs support contract. (Contract ends automatically if not actively extended by the customer). The functional scope of the app includes the complete Lateral-Trainer PRO, the central audiometer for recording 8 low-level functions including all evaluation functions, the perception discrimination test and the sound discrimination training for four languages each.
5,239.33 € 5239.33 EUR
[ BC-ÜbSet_MP3_DE ] Lateral training material for BrainCentral GERMAN (MP3 audio and texts)
This set contains the German language lateral training exercise material as MP3 audio files (licensed on the BrainCentral - Lateral Trainer).
The exercise material includes the following works recorded in the special artificial head stereophony -[The approximate reading speed of the audio files is indicated in parentheses]:
(1) Gi-em-aus (meaningless reading text) [30-40 words per minute].
(2) Bo in the ice [40-50 words per minute].
(3) 28-laugh stories [50-60 words per minute].
(4) The most beautiful reading lion stories [60-70 words per minute]
(5) Tobi, Babsi and Co. [70-80 words per minute]
(6) My friend, the Hifino I and II [80-100 words per minute]
(7) Jabberwocky - more meaningless reading material [80-100 words per minute)]
(8) Children's songs CD - classic children's songs, articulated with crystal clarity
(9) Articulation CD with >260 words with double consonants.

Also includes
(10) Reading board for dwarfs A3
(11) Story generator (512 billion stories as blurb)
484.77 € 484.77 EUR
[ B 02120 ] Y-cable 3.5mm stereo jacks to 4-pin plug
This cable allows the connection of existing headsets type MT-HS-801 to the new BrainCentral system.
In principle, individual headphones (MT-70) as well as microphones (MT-DS-50) can also be connected via it. For the MT-DS-50 microphone, an additional special microphone cable is required as an intermediate piece.
21.83 € 21.830000000000002 EUR
[ BC-BASE ] BrainCentral-Basic
This is the BrainCentral base system. Additional components and licenses are required for use. (Lateral Training Module, Central Audiometer Module, Perception Tests, Sound Discrimination Training | Hardware: Headsets, Special LCD Glasses, Cables, Case, ...)
1,298.70 € 1298.7 EUR
[ BC-Set1-Kombi-oT ] BrainCentral Combi Set without Tablet
BrainCentral complete set WITHOUT TABLET. Includes BrainCentral, two headsets, special glasses, cable set and special case solution.
Additionally included is a MediTOOLs premium license (single user) and 1 year MediTOOLs support contract free of charge. (Contract ends automatically if not actively extended by the customer). The functional scope of the app includes the complete Lateral Trainer PRO, the central audiometer for recording 8 low-level functions including all evaluation functions, the perceptual acuity test and the phonetic discrimination training for four languages each.

Minimum requirements of the tablet
- Android version from: 10
- Display size from: 10"
- Display resolution from: 1920x1080 (FullHD)
- Main memory (RAM) from: 3Gb
- Memory from: 64Gb
5,020.83 € 5020.83 EUR
[ BC-Set2-ZA-T ] BrainCentral Brain Audiometer with tablet
BrainCentral as central audiometer. Includes BrainCentral, a ready-to-use Android tablet with the current version of the BrainCentral-App and an MT-70 headphones. The functional scope of the app includes the testing of eight central auditory functions and the associated evaluation. In addition, the Warnke Perceptual Acuity Test is included in four languages (German, English, French, Polish).
Additionally included is a MediTOOLs premium license (single user) and free of charge 1 year MediTOOLs support contract. (Contract ends automatically if not actively extended by the customer).
3,276.22 € 3276.2200000000003 EUR
[ BC-Set2-ZA-oT ] BrainCentral Brain Audiometer
BrainCentral as central audiometer without a tablet. Includes BrainCentral with the corresponding BrainCentral app license and MT-70 headphones. The functional scope of the app includes the testing of eight central auditory functions and the associated evaluation. In addition, the Warnke Perceptual Acuity Test is included in four languages (German, English, French, Polish).
Additionally included is a MediTOOLs premium license (single user) and free of charge 1 year MediTOOLs support contract. (Contract ends automatically if not actively extended by the customer).

Minimum requirements of the tablet
- Android version from: 10
- Display size from: 10"
- Display resolution from: 1920x1080 (FullHD)
- Main memory (RAM) from: 3Gb
- Memory from: 64Gb
3,057.73 € 3057.73 EUR
[ BC-Set4-LTH-T ] BrainCentral Lateral-Trainer HOME mit Tablet
BrainCentral Lateral Trainer Set WITH TABLET. Includes BrainCentral, an Android tablet ready configured for you with the latest version of the BrainCentral app, two headsets, special glasses, and the audio cable set and special case solution. The functionality of the BrainCentral app is designed for private use. For extended functionality, the PRO version is required.
2,289.74 € 2289.7400000000002 EUR
[ BC-Set4-LTH-oT ] BrainCentral Lateral-Trainer HOME without tablet
BrainCentral Lateral Trainer Set WITHOUT TABLET. Includes BrainCentral, two headsets, special glasses, and the audio cable set and special case solution. The functionality of the BrainCentral app is designed for private use. For extended functionality, the PRO version is required.

Minimum requirements of the tablet
- Android version from: 10
- Display size from: 10"
- Display resolution from: 1920x1080 (FullHD)
- Main memory (RAM) from: 3Gb
- Memory from: 64Gb
1,964.20 € 1964.2 EUR
[ BC-Set3-LTP-T ] BrainCentral Lateral Trainer PRO with Tablet
BrainCentral Lateral Trainer Set WITH TABLET. Includes BrainCentral, an Android tablet configured ready for you with the latest version of the BrainCentral app, two headsets, special glasses, and the audio cable set and special case solution. The feature set of the BrainCentral app is designed for professional use and offers the full range of functions for lateral training. Perception testing and sound discrimination training without limitation in four languages (German, English, French, Polish.
3,494.71 € 3494.71 EUR
[ BC-Set3-LTP-oT ] BrainCentral Lateral Trainer PRO without Tablet
BrainCentral Lateral Trainer Set WITHOUT TABLET. Includes BrainCentral, two headsets, special glasses as well as cable set and special case solution. The feature set of the BrainCentral app is designed for professional use and offers the full range of functions for lateral training. Perception testing and sound discrimination training without limitation in four languages (German, English, French, Polish)

Minimum requirements of the tablet
- Android version from: 10
- Display size from: 10"
- Display resolution from: 1920x1080 (FullHD)
- Main memory (RAM) from: 3Gb
- Memory from: 64Gb
3,276.22 € 3276.2200000000003 EUR
[ WV-BC-Premium ] Maintenance Contract BrainCentral Combi Unit Premium
[WV-BC-komplett] Maintenance contract BrainCentral Premium - Maintenance and service contract incl. pre-lending device in case of damage - The comprehensive support includes an annual overall check of your system (after sending it to MediTECH) including all accessories, if desired with free loan system during the maintenance period. The agreement is automatically renewed for another year if not cancelled in due time. The agreement is subject to a maximum annual progression of +5% and is automatically extended for a further 12 months if it is not terminated in writing at least 6 weeks before expiry. The further exact scope of services results for you from the detailed service description.
481.77 € 481.77 EUR
[ BC-Üb2-Home ] Lateraltraining Exercise Material HOME german for BrainCentral (MP3-Audio+Texts)
German exercise material for lateral training at home, consisting of:
- Gi-em-aus sinnfreie Lesetexte (CD + Text book)
- Bo-im-Eis (CD + Text book)
- 28 Lachgeschichten (2CDs + Text book)
- Tobi/Babsi & Co. (3CDs + Text book)
- Die schönsten Leselöwengeschichten (6CDs + Text book)
- Mein Freund der Hifino (2CDs + Text book)
303.73 € 303.73 EUR
[ M-BC-ATH ] BrainCentral AlphaTrainer Home monthly rental
This item includes the monthly rental fee for a BrainCentral AlphaTrainer Home with all accessories. This consists of an AlphaTrainer in a lightweight MediTECH backpack, charging adapter, 2 x headset, special LCD glasses, exercise material unlocked on the device via MP3, textbooks on tablet and printed, instruction manual and accompanying documentation.

OPTIONALLY, low-level training with the HOME central audiometer can also be activated.

*** Minimum term: 3 months - Prerequisite: Signed rental contract (will be sent by email). Please always select at least 3x (for three months) when ordering from the store ***
108.15 € 108.15 EUR
[ OK-WV-A1 ] [OK-WV-A1] Warnke-Verfahren Grundkurs mit dem neuen BrainCentral
Sprache und Sprachverstehen in jedem Lebensalter zu fördern ist das Hauptanliegen des Warnke®-Verfahrens. Dies beginnt mit dem kindlichen Spracherwerb, umfasst die Förderung der Schriftsprache (Lesen und Schreiben) und schließt mit der Unterstützung sicheren Sprachverstehens im Erwachsenenalter ab.
Schwierigkeiten beim Verstehen von Sprache nehmen stetig zu. Dies gilt gleichermaßen für Kinder und Erwachsene. Trotz eines guten Gehörs fehlt es oftmals am sicheren Verstehen. Hörtests bringen zumeist kein Ergebnis. Dieser Kurs vermittelt Ihnen einen hochaktuellen Überblick zu Hintergründen und Ursachen.
Mit dem Warnke®-Prüfverfahren ermitteln Sie zunächst den aktuellen Stand der Sprachverarbeitung Ihres jeweiligen Klienten. Zu jedem festgestellten Ergebnis bietet das Warnke®-Verfahren eine konkrete und maßgeschneiderte Trainingsmöglichkeit. Die Wirksamkeit des Warnke®-Verfahrens wurde u. a. durch Studien der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover wiederholt wissenschaftlich nachgewiesen.
Der Kurs vermittelt anschaulich anhand von lebensnahen Praxisbeispielen und Übungen sofort nutzbares Wissen rund um Sprache und Wahrnehmung. Alle Teilnehmer erleben für sich den gesamten Warnke®-Prüfablauf sowie die systematischen Trainingsmöglichkeiten des Verfahrens. Andere Ansätze sowie die Einbindung in ihre tägliche Arbeit werden angemessen erläutert und diskutiert.
251.26 € 251.26000000000002 EUR