Brain-Boy Infokanal

Brain-Boy Infokanal

School success through brain jogging - not only with LRS = reading and spelling problems (dyslexia) the training around the Brain-Boy offers good training chances! Also successful pupils profit from this high performance training.

For children with learning problems or reading and spelling difficulties, they do almost everything - usually with only very moderate success.even intensive practice helps only a little. Learning the rules of spelling is of little use in everyday life if, for example, individual sounds such as d and g cannot be distinguished with certainty, especially in a noisy classroom environment. The solution: training important basic skills in a playful way with the Brain-Boy. Shift gears faster, understand better: Intelligent brain performance training can promote crucial skills for confident use of language. So you can set the stage for confident comprehension, successful learning and better reading and writing.

Brain-Boy Flyer [ENG]

Brain-Boy Flyer
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Brain-Boy Flyer [ENG]
The Brain-Boy Flyer
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