AudioFitness [Info Channel]
In this channel you will find information about hearing fitness as an acoustician.
Responsible | Hilke Wenkel |
Last Update | 09/25/2024 |
Completion Time | 9 hours 22 minutes |
Mitglieder | 3 |
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AudioFitness 30-seconds videoclip [DE]
Kostenlose Vorschau
Hörfitness - Training für Gehör und Gehirn
30-Sekunden-Spot zum App-basierten Hörfitness-Training
Ihr Gehirnjogging daheim und unterwegs
Audiofitness 30 seconds Video-Clip [EN]
Kostenlose Vorschau
Audiofitness training provides a unique brain training solution with a solid scientific background. It allows to train key brain functions such as processing speed, directional hearing or pitch discrimination. The app based audiofitness training includes an analysis of the current and continuous personal performance level and provides comparison to other people of the same age group, same region or same country.