Press -information
to the EUHA Congress 2019 in Nuremberg

Thank you for your interest in Hörfitness - the training for brain & hearing.On this page we have compiled material for you to inform yourself about the Hearing Fitness concept.
You have further interest? Visit us at our booth 214 in hall 4a.
Get to know the hearing fitness app live and test your comprehension and listening skills.
We will be happy to inform you and look forward to your visit.
Hearing Fitness Getting Started Brochure (B2B)
What is hearing fitness?What opportunities does it offer hearing care professionals? Which existing target groups can be addressed and which new ones can be won?
This brochure provides professional interested parties with basic information on the concept of HearingHealth.
During the EUHA Congresswe will be at your disposal as contact persons.
We are looking forward to your visit!

Andreas Roberg
oton & friends GmbH
Managing Director

Alexander Trog
oton & friends GmbH
Managing Director

Ralph Warnke
MediTECH Electronic GmbH
Managing Director

Zdenek Andel
MediTECH Electronic GmbH

Franziska Baldauf
oton & friends GmbH

Jörg Beinßen
MediTECH Electronic GmbH

Stefan Erben
MediTECH Electronic GmbH

Marc Konder
oton & friends GmbH

Kamil Kropiwnicki
MediTECH Electronic GmbH

Carina Sambraus
oton & friends GmbH

Thomas Scholz
oton & friends GmbH

Timon Uffmann
MediTECH Electronic GmbH